How to Access the DigitalTCO Power Hour Link

If you're looking for the Power Hour link, follow these steps to ensure it appears correctly in your DigitalTCO account.

When and Where Does the Link Appear?

  • The Power Hour link becomes available at 1 PM.
  • After 12:30 PM, a notification will appear at the bottom of the page, letting you know the link is coming soon.

Steps to Access the Link

Method 1: Refresh Your Page (After 12:30 PM)

  1. Wait until 12:30 PM or later.
  2. Refresh your browser (press F5 or use the refresh button).
  3. The link should appear at the bottom of the page or in a notification.

Method 2: Log Out and Back In

  1. Log out of your DigitalTCO account.
  2. Refresh the page.
  3. Log back in—this should reload the interface with the Power Hour link visible.

Key Takeaways

Refresh after 12:30 PM to see the notification.

The link appears at 1 PM at the bottom of the page.

If you don’t see it, log out, refresh, and log back in.

If you still can’t find the link, feel free to contact support via or the support chat in the bottom-right corner. 🚀

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